The cost-effective fixation without approval - for use in non-cracked concrete.

Bolt anchor FWA (imperial)

The fischer bolt anchor FWA is an economical solution for all applications where an approved fixation is not required. The FWA is offered in zinc-plated steel and hot-dip galvanised steel with an imperial thread. The bolt anchor can be used with two anchorage depths. The standard anchorage depth guarantees a high load-bearing capacity. This means that fewer fixing points and smaller anchor plates are required. The reduced anchorage depth reduces the drill hole depth. This saves time during the installation and increases flexibility.
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35 termékváltozat
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Előnyök / Termékismertető

  • The standard anchorage depth achieves high load-bearing capacities. This means that fewer fixing points and smaller anchor plates are required.
  • The reduced anchorage depth reduces the drill hole depth. This minimises the amount of time needed for installation whilst increasing flexibility.
  • Available with metric and imperial threads.

Használat és engedély

  • Steel constructions
  • Guard rails
  • Consoles
  • Ladders
  • Cable trays
  • Machines
  • Staircases
  • Gates
  • Façades
Building materials
  • Concrete C20/25, non-cracked
Az adott esetben elérhető engedélyben szereplő adatok (építőanyagok, terhelések stb.) érvényesek. További dokumentumok itt találhatók:

Szerelési útmutató

  • The FWA is suitable for pre-positioned and push-through installation.
  • Prior to installation, place the hex nut in the optimal position (the drive-in pin projects by approx. 3 mm out of the hex nut).
  • When the torque is applied, the cone bolt is pulled into the expansion clip and expands it against the drill hole wall.
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Letölthető dokumentumok

  • Technical documents
Wedge Anchor FWA - Recommended loads of a single anchor in normal concrete of strength class 3000 Psi.